Thursday, November 7, 2013

Algenist Retinol Firming & Lifting Serum

This was a tough one for me to review partly due to my bad habits.  I'll explain.  I received a 10 day sample of this from Sephora.  It claimed you would see results in that time.  I used it for about 6-7 days but, going against one of my cardinal rules, I used another new product.  One of the two made me breakout so I stopped using both.  I used the last few days once my skin cleared up and it was the other product that was the issue.  I thought my skin looked a little better but I still wasn't sure.  Luckily they were still having the promotion so I ordered another 10 day sample.  I used that for several days and then didn't wash my make-up off one night so didn't use it, then had a trip and skipped several days.  By the time I got back on it, I still had 5 packets.  They say each packet was for one day but you could get almost two days out of each one so I started again and this time used it religiously.  At the end, while the results weren't spectacular, there was definitely a difference.  My skin was smoother and brighter and, well, just nicer in general.  I don't have very deep wrinkles that I could use to judge and it was hard to pinpoint specific things.  I just know that a couple times after washing my face, I would look in the mirror and think, "wow, my skin looks really nice."

The downfall of this product is the $98 price tag.  I will not be buying the full-size anytime soon but if I had the money, I would give it a shot.  The active ingredient, in addition to Retinol, is called Alguronic Acid and is said to have anti-aging properties.  Maybe it does or maybe it is the Retinol but this is one of the few products where I could see a visible difference.  As with any Retinol product, there was some minor redness especially the first few days but it was nothing bothersome or overly noticeable and it went away with continued use.  Also, as I mentioned, a little goes a long way.  I would bet it would last you quite some time which may help reduce the sticker shock.  If anyone does try it, I would love if you would post a comment about your experience.

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